it still hasnt really kicked in that i have now left and now not a university student anymore.
i have absolutely loved uni even tho i was a complete STRESSHEAD most of the time it was amazing! inbetween breakdowns and dramas we had such good laughs and it was such a good class to be part of ...i love all of you weirdosss! xx
i have learnt sooo much and came out at the end even more ready than i thought i would be.
it feels crazy after being in education for sooo long that i now have to sort myself out and do what i have planned and dreamt of doing.
yesterday i had a productive day making 23 black ceramic rings, 25 black ceramic circles ready to become braclets and necklaces, 25 triangled ready to be braclets and necklaces and some pieces to be used as parts of rings.
i have also been doing orders of teacups and plates.
all around i am loving everything right now and sooo excited!!!
i had a meeting about a trip to africa next year and i am hoping that i will be able to go it would be AMAZING!!