Saturday, 30 March 2013

yesterday me and some of the other applied artians did a sponsered sea dip!

we dressed up as the sterio-type artists

we have done amazing raising money!

i have personally raise £103!

if you would like to sponsor us leave a comment! :D

on thursday my class and i did a peer critique and looked at what we thought were each others strengths and weaknesses.

comments where brought up about if i could become out of date because of how i use fashion to influence my designs.

i plan to create different collections as i move along with the times and keep my products fresh and contemporary.

the point that i am not using a concept within my work was also brought up.
i have thought about concept and if it would work with my work and if i think that is what my audience is looking for. i came to the conclusion that my work is a lot more about the bold, edgy aesthetic and less about concept.

everyone also agreed with me that i needed to clear out my bay and renew all the imagery and tests i had on display.

it didn't take me to long and i think everyone was happy i had done it!


Wednesday, 27 March 2013

going through the design development stage in my project i am now looking at products and all different designs i can create which will show my skills off.

i am thinking about creating a range of different rings using black ceramics.
these are some of my recent tests...



one of the products i am looking at creating is a pylon/transporter bridge/structure inspired head piece.

i am still thinking about how to make sure it is comfortable for the wearer and the design of the piece.

this is a rough test i made the other day checking how it could look.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

i am still in full flow exploring materials and techniques for my man-made collection.

one of my favourite things to do is drawing. this made me want to use my drawing within my jewellery somehow.

i created drawings in photoshop and layers them us and cut away shapes creating a interesting drawing to use as inspiration.

from my drawings i have been looking at different ways i can incorporate it into my work.

i have also been developing my ceramic rings using black clay to give them a interesting look.

i have been creating a plaster bat with my drawings from photoshop drawn into to create a stamp to use with my rings.

this is my plaster bat before i cleaned it, showing up the drawing...

these are piece of black clay pressed into the bat to create drawing texture...

i have been developing designs for my back piece as part of my final collection...

i am happy with how my test piece came out and will be taking it further and thinking about using my drawings, accertate, ceramics, tracing paper and threads.

i have also been thinking about my future career, my brand and looking at new logos, business cards and other promotional material...

i have also been fundraising with the uni girls (and glenn)  raising money fro our degree show!

we have been doing a raffle, tombola and guess the amount of sweets... which was very hard not to eat them all!!

we are also planning a dip in the sea on good friday!
there are a group of us running in the sea, dressed as artists and dunking under the water! ...lets hope it doesn't snow!!!!!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

i have been doing sampling, sampling and more sampling and sketching designs getting ideas for my final products...

at the weekend i also had a nice little trip out to saltburn while it was sunny and took izzy, my dog, for a walk...

i ended up with some very squelshy wet boots from the sea but was a nice change from been inside all the time! :)

i have also been buying some basic buisness cards to have as an extra to my more expensive ones il be buying for my final year exhibition. 

the other night i was doing illustrations i am then going to put them onto accertate and experiment with using it with my spot-welded samples.

after doing my illustrations i played about with layering them up to create interesting compositions...

...i have a few more but i cant get the files to upload!!