Sunday, 6 October 2013

im so sorry i have been neglecting my blog and facebook recently because i have been so busy.

i have now started my new job and its really good being back involved in the course i finished in june but in a different way.

i dont drive so going to work takes me 4 hours a day travelling time so i havent been as motivated to make things as before apart from a wedding commission i have been doing on a weekend.

on friday i created some more teacups and finished a set of skull illustration plates i made for my auntie.
it has made me want to start making more new things!

i have got a few ideas i will be trying out for a few craft fairs i have coming up with lucy addison.

yesterday i made a new tumblr account. i wasnt sure about it as i already use 109839 different social networking sites but i thought id give it a go anyway!

if you want to find me ...

since last posting on here i ahve also updated and worked on my website to make people be able to buy my products off it!

if you would like a peak my website is...

Saturday, 20 July 2013

ive had an AMAZING few weeks!

started it in the sun enjoying the lovely weather laying falling asleep with my ipod in...

and some nice bike ridess..

i also got my marks for my degree and got a 2:1 woooo

 i then had my cleveland college of art and design interview for the technician demonstrator job on wednesday. i was nervous but i felt like it went okay.

..thursday i got a phone call telling me i have got the job! WOOOO! :D

i start in september i cant wait :) i will be working 3 days so its perfect for me doing my business :)

on thursday night i went out to celebrate my friend sarahs 21st birthday and extra celebrated for my new job!!

i spend friday around my nana and grandads with my mam

 i got to see my auntie and uncle and little baby cousin roobs too :)

was a nice day :)

finally today i cleaned out and painted my garage white with lucy!
gradually turning it into our studio!!

loved it!

the first bit of paint!..

us proud of our paint job all finished! ...thank you to my sister meg for helping tooo!

loving my life right now!!

Thursday, 27 June 2013

it still hasnt really kicked in that i have now left and now not a university student anymore.

i have absolutely loved uni even tho i was a complete STRESSHEAD most of the time it was amazing! inbetween breakdowns and dramas we had such good laughs and it was such a good class to be part of ...i love all of you weirdosss! xx

i have learnt sooo much and came out at the end even more ready than i thought i would be. 

it feels crazy after being in education for sooo long that i now have to sort myself out and do what i have planned and dreamt of doing.

yesterday i had a productive day making 23 black ceramic rings, 25 black ceramic circles ready to become braclets and necklaces, 25 triangled ready to be braclets and necklaces and some pieces to be used as parts of rings.

i have also been doing orders of teacups and plates.

all around i am loving everything right now and sooo excited!!!

i had a meeting about a trip to africa next year and i am hoping that i will be able to go it would be AMAZING!!

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

so now my final year uni degree show has been on show at cleveland college of art and design hartlepool campus for about a week.

as you can tell im kind of addicted to taking photos so i thought i would take pictures of everyones work to show you and little info :)

the exhibition.

the work.

kim shields

amanda jobling

jenn legg
'hope designs'

camilla robinson

ashleigh willis

glen mccormick

samantha jane

amy-rose tucker

tracy lloyd

lyndsey goulding

carley pearson

holly smith

leanne howard

lou gilmore-george

jeni robinson

emma bayley

sarah davidson
'linear outline'

lucy addison

alison murphy